Wednesday 25 June 2014

Unit 27.1 Terminology


Accuracy: 'The quality or state of being correct or precise.' Programmes must be honest, fair and precise to make sure not to mislead the viewers.

Balance: 'To keep the documentary even and fair on both sides.' Don't stick with one side, investigate both sides of the story fairly.

Impartiality: 'Lack of comparison, correspondence, or suitableness; incongruity.' Showing both sides of a story equally not just your personal opinion.

Objectivity: 'Judgement based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices.'

Subjectivity: 'Judgement based on individual personal impressions, feelings and opinions rather than external facts.'

Opinion: 'A view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.'

Bias: 'Showing prejudice for or against someone/something unfairly.

Wednesday 18 June 2014


Subject Idea:

The idea for the documentary is about Comic Con. The Comic Con in London will be what the footage will be about. It would continue off from my podcast of being a sequence of episodes 'Pointless Facts' and would be titled 'Pointless Facts:Why Is Comic Con Popular?' It will show what happens at the convention, different people all dressed in cosplay and show that even celebrities venture out to Comic Con. It will also venture into finding out why people go to Comic Con and what they enjoy about it.


The style of this documentary will be both Expository and Observational. It will be Expository because it will be looking into the facts behind Comic Con and why people think it is popular. It will also look into what people like about Comic Con and why they keep going. It is an Observational documentary because it will have lots of visual footage just observing the cosplayers, celebrities and any other people that come to Comic Con. It will also contain an interview with someone who has been to many different conventions.


The format of this documentary will be narrator-lead. The voice will be the voice of two different females as the percentage of woman that go to Comic Con are higher than the percentage of men. Thus the Female voices would connect with the female audience and will entice the male audience into watching the documentary. There will be an interview in the documentary from someone who is familiar with both Comic Con and Cosplaying.


The genre for the documentary is both informational and special interest. It is special interest because not many people know what Comic Con is yet it is informational to those who don't know what it is and interesting to those that do know and probably go to one of there many conventions. It will be showing people that are not aware of Comic Con what is there, what preparations people go to when they go and who actually goes there.

Target Audience:

The target audience for this documentary is parents and cosplayers. It is directed at parents because it is informing them of what their child is doing if they go to one of these conventions. It will inform parents of what to expect if they go too and to see that it contains a variety of interests that may be for them as well. It is directed at cosplayers too because it informs them, if they didn't know already, that there is a place that allows them to cosplay and meet other people with the same interests.

Intended Aim:

The intended aim for this for the documentary is to inform people of Comic Con and what it has to offer. It will inform parents of what goes on at Comic Con if their children ask to go and it will inform people of a place where they can cosplay, meet people with the same interests and meet their idols. It will inform people who haven't heard of Comic Con what it is, what happens there and what it is all about.

Friday 6 June 2014

Documentary Presentation

This is my presentation about documentaries and techniques. It helped me to decide how I was going to plan out my documentary and the best type of documentary for the topic chosen.

Friday 16 May 2014

Research for Introduction

This video and footage belongs to the youtuber Sneaky Zebra.

I wanted to make something similar to this for the introduction to my documentary. I encountered weather problems though and couldn't get enough footage for an introduction like this.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Research for Comic Con

To understand why people go to Comic Con, I have looked into the many things they have to offer.

They have a 'Comic Village' where you can go to buy comics or meet the creators of your favourite comics. They also offer the chance to meet and draw with the comic artists.

They offer 'Dealer Stalls' where you can buy many different merchandise. Be them food items, tops, bags, mugs or props and toys.

The 'MCM Main Stage' is where they have performances, competitions, giveaways, chance to see promos and trailers and also celebrity panels. The panels give fans the chance to ask their idol a question or just simply watch.

The 'Special Guests' are a list of celebrities who will be attending Comic Con that you can meet & greet with and also get an autograph. However, if the celebrity is part of the memorabilia guest list, then you will be charged for an autograph. Usually £15 but check how much just in case.

'Robot Live' is based of the show Robot Wars. It is the chance to watch the little robots that you love fight each other to find the best.

'Cosplay' seems to be the most popular part to Comic Con. It gives the fans the ability to go here dressed as any Comic, Game, Anime or Tv/Film character that they want.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Research on Comic Con

They have a list of all the 'Special Guests' that will be going to Comic Con. This allows people to see if their favorite celebrity is going to be there.

'Vidfest' is partnered with Comic Con and allows people to meet certain youtube star. It allows people to see if there favourite youtuber is going and it allows them to meet them.

There is also the option for fans to take photos with celebrities.

There is also an area for gaming fans to check out the latest games, the old classics and even demos of games not released yet.

 'PopAsia' offers the chance for people to try foods and sweets from different parts of the world. The most popular foods are the ones from Japan.

Comic Con definitely knows how to get an audience to have fun by offering the chance to 'Cosplay & Masquerade'. This by far is the most popular attraction of Comic Con.

Comic Con is definitely up to date with the latest crazes. With this new addition to the Comic Con family, even fans of 'Steampunk' will be able to have something to look forward to.

When you are finished with all the inside attractions, Comic Con also offers 'MCM Fringe Festival' outside.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Thursday 17 April 2014

Thursday 3 April 2014

Shooting Schedule

This is my Shooting Schedule for my documentary. We only had to film three times.

Monday 31 March 2014

Actor Release Form

This is the Actor Release Form signed by my interviewee, agreeing to be a part of the documentary.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Actor Release Form

This is the Actor Release Form signed by the co-host/presenter/voice over, agreeing to be a part of the documentary.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Actor Release Form

This is the Actor Release Form signed by the other co-host/presenter/voice over, agreeing to be a part of the documentary.

Thursday 27 March 2014


This is all the information on equipment and settings for the introduction.

Monday 24 March 2014


This is all of the information on equipment and settings for the interview.

Friday 21 March 2014

Interview Questions

This is a list of the questions I will ask in the interviewee for the documentary;

1. Who are you cosplaying as?
2. What can you find at Comic Con?
3. What can you do at Comic Con?
4. Why do you want to go to Comic Con?
5. What is your favourite Convention?
6. Would you recommend Comic Con and Cosplaying?
7. What do you think makes Comic Con popular?

Thursday 20 March 2014

Risk Assessment

These are the sheets of the risk assessment at the interview location.

Risk Assessment

These are the sheets for the risk assessment on the introduction location.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Risk Assessment

These are the sheets for a risk assessment at London Comic Con.

Friday 28 February 2014


This is the final product of my documentary. It is a documentary on Comic Con and informs people of what it is and what happens there.