Friday 16 May 2014

Research for Introduction

This video and footage belongs to the youtuber Sneaky Zebra.

I wanted to make something similar to this for the introduction to my documentary. I encountered weather problems though and couldn't get enough footage for an introduction like this.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Research for Comic Con

To understand why people go to Comic Con, I have looked into the many things they have to offer.

They have a 'Comic Village' where you can go to buy comics or meet the creators of your favourite comics. They also offer the chance to meet and draw with the comic artists.

They offer 'Dealer Stalls' where you can buy many different merchandise. Be them food items, tops, bags, mugs or props and toys.

The 'MCM Main Stage' is where they have performances, competitions, giveaways, chance to see promos and trailers and also celebrity panels. The panels give fans the chance to ask their idol a question or just simply watch.

The 'Special Guests' are a list of celebrities who will be attending Comic Con that you can meet & greet with and also get an autograph. However, if the celebrity is part of the memorabilia guest list, then you will be charged for an autograph. Usually £15 but check how much just in case.

'Robot Live' is based of the show Robot Wars. It is the chance to watch the little robots that you love fight each other to find the best.

'Cosplay' seems to be the most popular part to Comic Con. It gives the fans the ability to go here dressed as any Comic, Game, Anime or Tv/Film character that they want.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Research on Comic Con

They have a list of all the 'Special Guests' that will be going to Comic Con. This allows people to see if their favorite celebrity is going to be there.

'Vidfest' is partnered with Comic Con and allows people to meet certain youtube star. It allows people to see if there favourite youtuber is going and it allows them to meet them.

There is also the option for fans to take photos with celebrities.

There is also an area for gaming fans to check out the latest games, the old classics and even demos of games not released yet.

 'PopAsia' offers the chance for people to try foods and sweets from different parts of the world. The most popular foods are the ones from Japan.

Comic Con definitely knows how to get an audience to have fun by offering the chance to 'Cosplay & Masquerade'. This by far is the most popular attraction of Comic Con.

Comic Con is definitely up to date with the latest crazes. With this new addition to the Comic Con family, even fans of 'Steampunk' will be able to have something to look forward to.

When you are finished with all the inside attractions, Comic Con also offers 'MCM Fringe Festival' outside.